Online Store - Full online store with shopping cart coming soon!
Hours: Weekdays 10am - 12pm, 1pm - 2pm;
Sundays & special services: 30 min. before & after each service.
Bill Johnson
When Heaven Invades Earth
Amazed by the Power of God
Release the Power of Jesus
Secrets To Imitating God
Kris Vallotton
The Supernatural Ways of Royalty (With Bill Johnson)
Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle
John Paul Jackson
Needless Casualties of War
Kat Kerr
Revealing Heaven I & II
Jonathan Welton
Eyes of Honor
Normal Christianity
School of the Seers (CD set)
Arthur Burk
Blessing Your Spirit
Mary Jo Pennington
6 Big Big Angels
Big Angels & Flaming Wild Horses
Bill Yount
I Heard Heaven Proclaim
Rita Langeland
Zablon, The True Story of a Maasai Warrior
Jeff Jansen
Glory Rising
Linda Breitman
Posturing in the Heavenly Realms
Georgia Hawkins
Fasting All Negative Thoughts
Fasting All Negative Thoughts - Youth Version
Unleashed 2013 - Joshua Mills, Greg Brown & Steve Swanson
CD set $50
DVD set $75
Harold Eberle
CD set $10 (2 services)
DVD set $20 (2 services)
We offer CD's & DVD's of each service, as well as Outbreak Weekends & Conferences unless not available for recording. CD's are typically $5 & DVD's $10 per service unless it is for a set then there may be special pricing. Shipping is $5 per CD/DVD (shipping charges increase for sets).